Some events, especially big occasions like weddings, fly by really quickly. It almost seems like you blink and it’s over. Often you spend so much time trying to make sure everything goes well on the day that you miss, or forget, some of the things that happen. This is one reason why you may want to hire a professional photographer to capture the day for you. On your Wedding Day you also want to be able to remember everything in detail over the years to come; photographs help you to do this.
The thing with an event is that it’s not like making a movie; you can’t just shout cut and start again, or re-shoot scenes that don’t look great on film. If you miss capturing moments at an event, or the way you capture them is not up to standard, that opportunity is gone for good. That’s why we wouldn’t recommend taking a chance with photography at a special event.
Taking the amateur path
Your cousin David may be an excellent amateur photographer, but there’s a big difference between capturing beautiful images during a relaxed holiday in France and taking the top quality photographs you want in a high pressure environment such as your wedding day. You also have to ask yourself, will anyone actually take David seriously when he asks them to pose? Amateurs just don’t have the same presence as a professional in this case. The last point we’d like to make about trusting amateur photography is that is has the potential to seriously wreck a friendship. Imagine you’ve been planning a party for months and you really want to have some memorable images of the event. You trust your best friend with the photography and you end up with maybe one decent shot of the whole event. How do you feel?
The 10,000 hour rule
There is a theory which states that expertise in an area comes from consistent practice over 10,000 hours and not from talent. We actually think a combination of talent and experience is the right mix for creating a high quality photographer, such as one of the best we have come across Will Bremridge. You shouldn’t automatically rule someone out just because they haven’t been in the business for your years, but you should bear in mind that experience doesn’t just mean you’ll probably end up with great shots; it means the photographer should know how to get the best out of guests at your event.
Style and attitude
Each individual photographer has their own style while they’re working. If you get a chance to see the photographer you’re considering while they are working, this can be very helpful. We did witness one photographer at a wedding who was a little scary in the way she ordered people around; although the final shots were excellent. A photographer like this, who is not afraid to dish out orders, can be ideal at a business event where you may just want formal team photographs and it’s a more ordered event overall. At a wedding you need to be careful; you really don’t want any of your guests to end up I tears, or to storm off, because they are offended. Weddings and parties tend to be more relaxed occasions and people don’t expect to be receiving orders. What you need is a photographer who can get the job done efficiently without being overbearing.
It’s not just about the event itself
A top quality photographer doesn’t just provide a good service at the event; they make sure that the good service continues throughout the process. If you have a photographer in mind, and they have an impressive portfolio, always make sure you know how long it will take before you get your images. If you don’t do this you could be in for a nasty shock; we have heard of people waiting several weeks, if not months, in the past. Often, photographers will prepare preview photographs for you within a few days and you will be give options concerning which ones you want to keep. This is an ideal situation, and far better than being still sitting waiting two months after the event.
Paying for high quality
A good professional photographer expects to be financially recognised for their expertise. It’s also likely they have paid for high quality photographic equipment. This is why you need to be realistic when it comes to the photography budget for your event. You have to be prepared to pay a competitive rate to get the top quality images you want.
If you really want to trust your cousin David with your photographs that’s your choice but we strongly suggest that hiring a professional photographer, with a good reputation, is a much better idea.